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Equipment Slot Guide Ragnarok Mobile

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  1. Ragnarok Online Mobile
  2. Equipment Slot Guide Ragnarok Mobile Quest
  3. Leveling Guide Ragnarok Mobile
  4. Assassin Guide Ragnarok Mobile
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  2. R/RagnarokMobile: Ragnarok M: Eternal Love is a free-to-play fantasy RPG based off the original Ragnarok Online franchise, developed by XD Global Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
  3. When socketing isn't an option but a necessity. Learn the basics of socketing your equipment. Subscribe for more vids on Ragnarok Eternal Love!
If you recently got your first costume item or a good looking equipment in Ragnarok M Eternal Love and has no idea how to properly utilize it, were here to help you! Did you know that you can still wear your primary equipment together with the costume outfit or an good looking equipment? Yep! Meaning you can still utilize the stat points of your primary equipment and use the costume for show off. You can also use this to hide the real weapon you're using and cover it with a good looking weapon like the Saints Equipment or some newbie weapons. However, the stat bonus of item in costume tab will not add any stat bonus to your character. When you open your bag, you probably notice the yellow button icon on the left corner of the equipment slot, that yellow button is where you'll be putting your costume set or equipment. You can wear up to 8 different costume for your character; clothes, head wear, face cover, swords, bags, peco-peco and tail. How to Wear Costume Outfit Open Bag from the top corner of your screen. Press the Yellow button (Costume Tab) on the left corner. Now, select the costume set or equipment that you want to wear. Press Equip to continue. The costume will automatically equip on the costume slot without removing the primary equipment. Now, do the same to the other costume or equipment you have. Like weapons, head wear bags, and tails. If you notice, your primary equipment are still equipped. The weapon, clothes, face mask, hat and the bag. In our example, when using the Summer Cap (Green) and the Summer Style Green Clothes, the swords, and face mask. We got no additional stat bonus for wearing it on the costume tab. That's it! Hope this clarify how to use the 2nd tab in your equipment slot. Here, you can watch the walk through video.

NPC Location:

Maximum refinement level for equipment obtain from Crafting NPC and NPC Equipment Shop are +10.
Maximum refinement level for others equipment are +15.

Refinement level until +4 is safe. (100% success)
Refinement +4 to +5 and above have chance to break the equipment.

Equipment Slot Guide Ragnarok Mobile

This Ragnarok Mobile Warlock Guide (Chain Lightning Build) forms part of the comprehensive build guide that covers everything you need to know for progressing through the Mage job tree. Alright so you're finished with Peak Shards and your first Job Breakthrough. Equipment Enhancement will be retained. Equipment Refinement will be retained. Upgrading your equipment to its final form WILL remove the socket. If I upgrade that Mage Coat III to a Robe of Casting, I will lose the socket. Make sure you are going to add socket to the final form of the equipment (if you wish to achieve its final form).

Note: After upgrading equipment, refinement level will -2. (Upgrading will change to another entirely new equipment, with new name. Not all equipment can be upgraded, please check equipment description)

Repair Info

If equipment is broke, use 1 same equipment (refine level +0) any slot to repair at the NPC – Hollegrehnn.

For example:

+5 Clip[1] is broken, you'll need +0 Clip[0/1] to repair.

**Red Hammer on top right means broken.**


Ragnarok Online Mobile

Broken equipment with refine level ≤+6 can use broken/non-broken as material to repair.

Broke equipment can still be equip with no side effect, but cannot refine. Need to repair first to continue refine.

Fail Scenario:


This Ragnarok Mobile Warlock Guide (Chain Lightning Build) forms part of the comprehensive build guide that covers everything you need to know for progressing through the Mage job tree. Alright so you're finished with Peak Shards and your first Job Breakthrough. Equipment Enhancement will be retained. Equipment Refinement will be retained. Upgrading your equipment to its final form WILL remove the socket. If I upgrade that Mage Coat III to a Robe of Casting, I will lose the socket. Make sure you are going to add socket to the final form of the equipment (if you wish to achieve its final form).

Note: After upgrading equipment, refinement level will -2. (Upgrading will change to another entirely new equipment, with new name. Not all equipment can be upgraded, please check equipment description)

Repair Info

If equipment is broke, use 1 same equipment (refine level +0) any slot to repair at the NPC – Hollegrehnn.

For example:

+5 Clip[1] is broken, you'll need +0 Clip[0/1] to repair.

**Red Hammer on top right means broken.**

Ragnarok Online Mobile

Broken equipment with refine level ≤+6 can use broken/non-broken as material to repair.

Broke equipment can still be equip with no side effect, but cannot refine. Need to repair first to continue refine.

Fail Scenario:

1. Drop 1 refinement level, but does not break the equipment.
2. Drop 1 refinement level and break the equipment.

Important Info:

1. Repair material must not have refinement level, need to be +0 refine level.
2. Repair material can have any number of card slot. (Better use no slot or equipment that have no extra card socket.)

Required Materials:

Refinement level +1 to +10 uses Elunium/Oridecon.
Refinement level +10 onwards, +10 to +11 and so on, uses Enriched Elunium/Enriched Oridecon.

Refinement NPC Interface:

1st option open refine equipment interface.
2nd option open strengthen equipment interface.

Another way to strengthen equipment guide here!

1. Select 1st option.

2. Click + to select equipment to refine.

3. You can check the cost of refinement and refinement level.

Equipment Slot Guide Ragnarok Mobile Quest

4. Refined equipment icon.

Leveling Guide Ragnarok Mobile

Refinement Material List

Assassin Guide Ragnarok Mobile

Refinement MaterialNameObtained FromRefinement Equipment Type
Mithril【 秘银】Fashion
Enriched Mithril【 浓缩秘银】Fashion
Elunium【铝】Monster Drop
Combine 5 Elunium Stone
Defense Equipment
Enriched Elunium【浓缩铝】Monster Drop
Combine 5 Elunium【铝】
Defense Equipment (above +10)
Oridecon【神之金属】Monster Drop
Combine 5 Oridecon Stone
Attack Equipment
Enriched Oridecon【浓缩神之金属】Monster Drop
Combine 5 Oridecon
Attack Equipment
(above +10)

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